
Friday, August 13, 2010

2 more battings tested

I just finished testing Fairfield's Fusi-Boo (fusible bamboo) and Fairfield's wool. The wool was great but I have grave concerns about the fusible product. I washed a sample of just the batt (not quilted) in HOT water and soap to remove the fusible as Fairfield states it washes away completely. I found it would still fuse after this process so it did not wash away. I wish I had a time machine to travel forward in time and see for myself what affect these chemicals will have on our precious quilts in say 100 years. I am sure quilters of old would be horrified to see how some of the mordants in the dyes of their time ate away at the fibers or changed the color completely 


Crispy said...

I would be a bit leary of using chemicals on my quilts too, besides the dyes.

Have you done many demos of your battings?


Claudia said...

Thanks for talking about Fusi-boo (I was scouring the internet for reviews last week, barely found anything)! In fact I feel like quilters rarely talk about their batting, and I wish they would (I'm pretty new to it all). I would want my quilts used plenty so I want to know how the batting wears and how warm it is and such. I'm really interested to read more reviews on batting from you!